Exercising My Demons - Memories of 'The Exorcist'

Article by Gary Tahmasbi 1981 - A classic year. Phil Collins started his solo music career, after taking over Genesis, An American Werewolf in London and The Evil Dead were released. It was also the year that I was born, and when The Exorcist was first released in the UK on VHS. For those of you unlucky enough to not remember or even know about VHS, it was a way to watch films at home in a quality not too dissimilar to a severely scratched Blu-Ray, yet it was amazing. Seven years after release, the BBFC removed the movie from our shelves and notoriously ‘banned’ it. At the tender age of just 7 years old, I wouldn't have had a chance to see the movie but it would have been on my radar. At that age, my "Cool" uncle would rent videos for me and they always had to be Horror... it was the only genre I enjoyed at that time, even though they terrified me. I always put a brave face on things, but I certainly wasn't comfortable. As I got used to things and sta...