Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer #6

Artist: David Lopez
Color Artist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Review by James Stone
Buffy The Vampire Slayer was the TV show that virtually created the terms 'Big Bad' and 'Villain of the week'. I'm happy to see the comic is following the same formula.
Drusilla appears to be the big bad so far. Especially after biting Xander in issue 5 and leaving him on Giles' doorstep.
This issue heavily deals with the ramifications regarding this, as Buffy and Willow are off in search of a cure for their friend. This is where we're introduced to the villain of the week and we see a large amount of the action.
As Buffy and Willow fight their way through the dark and depressing underbelly of an enchanted wood, we're treated to a visual delight and some chilling and ugly looking bugs.
This series has a heavy focus on the feelings and emotions of the characters. Not just the struggles of being a 16 year old girl and a vampire slayer, but also dealing with the turmoil of high school life. There's a real soap opera unravelling here with plenty of "he likes, she likes" and nobody knows who to trust.
As with the TV show, the one person I felt sorry for the most was Giles. As the watcher to the slayer, he's stuck right in the middle of all these childhood antics, and has to fight for what's right in saving humanity, while maintaining the status-quo of his gang of young helpers.
This was another great issue that continues my nostalgic journey in Sunnydale. I am really enjoying the journey we are taking with these characters once more but I'm pleased to see the new stories being told. The legacy of these characters may be pre-ordained but Jordie Bellaire is not afraid take a few diversions along the way by creating new stories and new journeys. With a dark and mysterious character lurking in the background I'm intrigued to see if this turns out to be Angel or someone else.
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