Review: Catwoman #6

“Copycats” – Finale Writer: Joëlle Jones Artists: Joëlle Jones & Laura Allred Review by Adam Ray This ongoing series started with Selina’s departure from Gotham City and the Dark Knight. She left Batman out of love, so we found her sad and alone, at the beginning of this series. The ongoing story then led her to deal with the a corrupt politician, and her effects on the people. This issue in particular contains many unique choices in form and style. Jones keeps this up with strong choices of characters and how they interact. Some series end with a strong dramatic moment, and a great deal of action. This one does too, but in a much more nuanced fashion. The action sequences in this issue are the most dynamic I’ve seen in a very long time. Most of the book is made up of double page spreads. Jones’ artwork reads in bars across both pages, ignoring any sense of a spine, until the end of the issue. As Catwoman escapes the bowels of Ms Creel’s mano...