
A Game Full of Fungi - Mycelia Board Game Review

Review by Adam Ray It's no secret that I love games. With the big annual ritualistic gift giving ceremony just ended, I was bequeathed a great many experiences to be enjoyed over a night of tabletop fun. One such title I've wanted since I saw the box art's charming little Mushroom creatures, and the dynamic movement of the centre piece has to be Mycelia.   Designed by Daniel Greiner and published by Ravensburger, this charming deck builder has quickly become one of my all time favourites! Mycelia  is a deck-building, action point game. That's fancy gamer nerd lexis for a game where you take cards to add to your personal deck which lets you do certain things to help you win. In the story of the game, the forest is flooded with dewdrops, and the living mushroom people all need your help to clear those dewdrops. Your cards primarily either grant you more leaves (this game's version of currency) or manipulate the dewdrops, by moving them around or removing them from the...

Back Into Time! Apequest 2 Review

Review by Adam Ray The Professor has returned! With a sequel to the cosmic classic Apequest album. We can see our bringer of Steampunk songs going full force to broadcast new and masterful sounds akin to that of School of Whimsy  with all the progressive storytelling elements of the original Apequest album and welcome inclusions of many Amazing Friends . Trophy Room.  The album starts with a lively sequel to The Attic that masterfully weaves together references to philosophy, comics, and his old songs. Most albums open with the hit, and this single track perfectly blends the Professor's rap skill with shows there's a real progressed as a rapper, a lot of technical skill. What Could Possibly Go Wrong perfectly interludes the songs in with the time travel story. Pirates Hate Me  is a welcome look into how best the Professor handles pirates. The second time they've featured in a time travel album after This Means War. The frontman of The Cog is Dead, a very talented steamp...

Fan Retrospectives: Chris Claremont's X-Men: Part 5: Greater Love Hath No X-Man

  Chris Claremont is arguably the most influential X-Men writer and one of the most important superhero comics creators in general. His command of prose, deft use of subplots, and willingness to let characters grow in unexpected ways put a definitive stamp that few has been able to replicate since. Come and see how X-Men rose from obscurity into the a global pop culture phenomenon primarily under the pen of this one man. "Greater Love Hath No X-Man"  Uncanny X-Men #100 Writers: Chris Claremont Artists: Dave Cockrum Review by Eric Lee Previously on X-Men:  The Sentinels have captured half the X-Men, but the other half of the team hijacked a space shuttle to rescue them from the Sentinels' floating space base. As the team navigates through the villain base, they run into the original X-Men team and a unusually bloodthirsty Professor X commanding them to kill the new team. Lets take a moment to admire the cover. Not only is the cover image highly iconic with the...

EGX Coverage - Sound Caster

Article by Adam Ray It's a little known fact that I deeply love rhythm games. Everyone I know has some opinion about the very physical arcade classic, Dance Dance Revolution , while I spent a great deal of the evenings in my youth when I should have been studying instead playing Cytus  on my clapped up old Android phones. EGX has since merged with MCM, making it a whole weekend of nerd culture. My own work with the Mystic Muses D&D Podcast has been well documented at that event, and this will be the first of two rhythm games I had the delight of sampling at that amazing event. Sound Caster  is a hybrid adventure rhythm game with an amazing pixel art style. It's simultaneously a delight for an ADHD sufferer like myself, and a nightmare for an ADHD sufferer like myself. The gameplay loop features you playing two games simultaneously, and finding the harmonious balance between them is the real challenge unlike the actual gameplay itself. On the right side of your screen is th...

Queens of the Multiverse - Nubia Officially Added to Multiversus Roster

Press Release by Adam Ray We've mentioned it briefly in a past post , but now we can say for certain that Nubia is being added to Multiversus today, October 15th. Wildly different from the Power Puff Girls, Nubia hits fast in the Assassin playstyle. Read the official details below: All hail the Queen! Warner Bros. Games today released a new  MultiVersus  trailer revealing the first look at gameplay for DC’s  Nubia , the current Queen of the Amazons and protector of Themyscira, who will join the roster as the latest playable character on Oct. 15 as part of  Season 3: Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice .   Nubia  is a close-combat damage dealer with a dominant moveset featuring her Staff of Understanding that brings long-range spear fighting with a touch of godly power into the mix. In the new trailer,  Nubia’s  prowess as an Assassin class fighter is on full display, including her ability to slash, strike, and propel kicks towards opponents, as wel...

Fan Retrospectives: Chris Claremont's X-Men: Part 5: Deathstar, Rising

  Chris Claremont is arguably the most influential X-Men writer and one of the most important superhero comics creators in general. His command of prose, deft use of subplots, and willingness to let characters grow in unexpected ways put a definitive stamp that few has been able to replicate since. Come and see how X-Men rose from obscurity into the a global pop culture phenomenon primarily under the pen of this one man. "Deathstar, Rising!"  Uncanny X-Men #99 Writers: Chris Claremont Artists: Dave Cockrum Review by Eric Lee Previously on X-Men :  The Sentinels have returned to capture Professor X, Jean Grey, Wolverine, and Banshee. The X-Men manage to escape Dr. Stephen Lang until they realized they broke out of Project: Armageddon's headquarters and into the empty void of space. Despite wanting to kill mutants, the Sentinels retrieve Wolverine, Banshee, and Jean Grey from dying in space. Apparently Lang is not done with experimenting on the mutants yet.  ...

A Multiverse of Girl Power - The Powerpuff Girls and Nubia Coming to Multiversus

Press Release by Adam Ray We've covered Multiversus  a lot here on Fantastic Universes. Every update about our new favourite platform fighting game has us all deeply excited! With the addition of Beetlejuice, we can scarcely imagine more characters coming to this frenetic Warner Bros Battler, but they've surprised us again. Girl power is coming to Multiversus, and you can read all about it in their official press release right here: Warner Bros. Games today announced that  MultiVersus  will be adding  The Powerpuff Girls  and DC’s  Nubia  to its growing roster of characters as part of  Season 3: Sugar, Spice, & Everything Nice . Based on the superhero trio from the popular animated series,  The Powerpuff Girls  will be available when  MultiVersus  Season 3  launches on  Sept. 17 . DC Super Hero and new Queen of The Amazons,  Nubia , will arrive later in the season.   The heavy hitting, superpowered trio ...

Fan Retrospectives: Chris Claremont's X-Men: Part 4: Merry Christmas, X-Men...

  Chris Claremont is arguably the most influential X-Men writer and one of the most important superhero comics creators in general. His command of prose, deft use of subplots, and willingness to let characters grow in unexpected ways put a definitive stamp that few has been able to replicate since. Come and see how X-Men rose from obscurity into the a global pop culture phenomenon primarily under the pen of this one man. "Merry Christmas, X-Men..."  Uncanny X-Men #98 Writers: Chris Claremont Artists: Dave Cockrum Review by Eric Lee Previously on X-Men :  Professor Xavier is haunted by dreams of a strange insectoid spaceship. He is so perturbed that he goes on a vacation. Jean Grey rejoins the team in time for Havok and Polaris to become brainwashed by Eric the Red to attack the team at the airport. Havok, Polaris, and Eric get away while there is some tension brewing between Cyclops and Wolverine. Despite the hanging thread of Havok and Polaris, Chris Claremont ...