Torchwood: Outside the Television; Beyond the Screen - Exclusive Interviews and Insights from the Whole Cast

Article by Adam Ray "Bloody Torchwood," said an old lady in protest, as a blowfish in a sport's car sped past with a black S.U.V. chasing behind it, the name of said agency etched into its side. My mother, who I love and know tolerates the science fiction the creators of this site absolutely love, wanted that car. She can't drive. That, in itself, is the power of Torchwood. Yes you still have the wild, colourful, reality warping science fiction of Doctor Who , but with real, grounded stories of people that suffer and bleed, swear and sin. The universe grew up a bit with Torchwood , and it did wonderful things since it first aired in 2006. Yep it started that long ago. It ended when Russel T. Davies said it went to an indefinite hiatus, back in 2012. It's been a long time, and ever since the Cardiff rift has been left undefended. At the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest, the actors behind the famous team got back together for the first time in ten year...