Review: Batman Beyond #19

“The Long Payback” – Conclusion Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Phil Hester & Ande Parks Review by Steve J. Ray Yes! It finally happened; Matt McGinnis is Robin. After decades of speculation and waiting, Batman Beyond finally has his own sidekick. At the end of issue #18 we left Terry and Ten at the mercy of Payback. Left with no option, Bruce Wayne sent trainee crime-fighter Matt McGinnis out to aid his brother. This issue opens with the new Boy Wonder racing to Batman’s rescue… on an all-new flying Robin-Cycle . As Matt would no doubt say at this juncture, “Totally schway!” speculation and waiting, Batman Beyond finally has his own sidekick. At the end of issue #18 we left Terry and Ten at the mercy of Payback. Left with no option, Bruce Wayne sent trainee crime-fighter Matt McGinnis out to aid his brother. This issue opens with the new Boy Wonder racing to Batman’s rescue… on an all-new flying Robin-Cycle . As Matt would no doubt...