Review: Joker: Killer Smile #3

"Joker: Killer Smile" - Book Three
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Andrea Sorrentino
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Steve Wands
Review by Kendra Hale

I’ll Allow You That One Benji

Joker: Killer Smile #3 comes in with a bang. When we last left poor Doc, Ben Arnell, he was struggling not only with the loss of time but with losses of a far more personal nature. Ben’s moral line is bending when it comes to the reality of it all and here we are with Book Three, the finale in this amazing series. I admit I was almost frightened for what was to come of the Doc.
Let’s sink our teeth in.

I Will Never Leave You

Joker: Killer Smile #3 starts us out with this lovely little children’s book feel. Light and colorful, calming and soothing. Don’t be drawn in by that lie, dear reader, because that is just what it is… a bold lie. There’s a saying about some stuff hitting a fan and this issue is the very definition of that saying. Ben Arnell has crossed over and, dare I say it, gone over to the dark side of his psyche.  Not only is he on the Joker’s wavelength, he’s joined in on the dance and in every intricate detail of his plan to inevitably set the Joker free!
With Arkham in chaos and Batman, a.k.a Mr. Pouts,  joining in on the dance card, things start to get really fun. What will become of Dr. Ben Arnell? Is he truly a lost soul, another in the long list of those caught in the Joker’s snare? You’ll need to read this book to find out, and a very well worthwhile read it is.

Tiptoe Through The Tulips

Joker: Killer Smile has been an intense and wild ride. The writing by Jeff Lemire, is done so well that it draws you in. Even though you may think you know what will happen to Dr. Arnell, it’s a winding road with many beautifully illustrated stops along the way. Joker: Killer Smile #3 has given me one of my favorite art scenes from this series. When the Guards at Arkham find out that the Villains are free it’s because they run into Killer Croc. This full-page spread, by Andrea Sorrentino and Jordie Bellaire, is delicious and reminiscent of Lon Chaney, in a shiver up your spine way.


With artwork like that, I was always in hook, line, and sinker. Every aspect marries so well that this is a stunning gem in the Joker canon. With every twist and turn this story has brought us to this amazing end, making it just what it needed to be. It’s not only a recommended read, but an essential one.  If this is any indication as to what DC can bring into the market, then I want more.
What were your thoughts on the series? What was the scene that drew you in? Let us know in the comments below and we will see you for the continuation of this tale in Batman: The Smile Killer in May!
Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment


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