Review: The Flash #754

"The Flash Age" – Part Five

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artists: Rafa Sandoval and Jordi Tarragona
Color Artists: Arif Prianto and Hi-Fi
Letterer: Steve Wands

Review by Jim Bennett

This issue gives us something you don’t expect, Flash and Reverse Flash as running buddies!

Say it ain’t so!

It seems that the only way Flash can stop Paradox is with the help of Eobard Thawne, but is it the sort of help Barry wants? Together can they stop the biggest threat, to not just Central City, but the whole Multiverse?

This issue goes at a mile a minute, quite literally... I mean, what more would you expect from two speedsters together? Last issue I said I wanted more Reverse Flash, and this issue gives me just that.

It’s very interesting to see two mortal enemies working together, it’s a classic trope of storytelling, and is done here to perfection. Obviously, it was never going to be as easy as just the two of them teaming up and to save they day, where’s the fun and drama in that? This chapter sets up what’s to come next nicely.

Once again the art and color in the issue is incredible. Just as Joshua Williamson is writing a great story, Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and color artists Hi-Fi and Arif Prianto are knocking it our of the park with their visuals. Great stuff.


Where does it all go from here? Can these two adversaries stay on the same page long enough to do what must be done, and where will that leave them? Will they find some common ground to build something new on, or will it all come crashing down, taking their epic rivalry to new heights?

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. One thing’s for sure it won’t be over in a flash.

Sorry... I had to.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment


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