Do It, Buy The Book - Watch this space

 Article by Fay Clark

EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Well, that's actually the point. I'm back and with a totally FANTASTIC idea, if I do say so myself. This is very exciting news, so I'm just going to jump right in.


I'm absolutely buzzing to be able to share this with you all. We have been workshopping a fitting name and we finally all agreed on;

"Do It, Buy The Book"

With obvious double meanings aside, it was just the perfect name for our challenge. We will be rolling this out on the 1st of May. There will be all the details you need to join in, going live on a post soon!

So without further ado, watch this space for our Fantastic Universes Reading Challenge DO IT, BUY THE BOOK coming soon to a webpage near you.


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