Review: Wasted Space Holiday Special
"Wasted Space Holiday Special"
Writer: Michael Moreci
Artist: Hayden Sherman
Color Artist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Review by Steve J. Ray
I've really missed reviewing this series every month. This is one of those comics that I rapidly fell in love with. This series is quirky, irreverent and pure unadulterated (though quite adult) fun.
This particular issue is one that will be quite hard to track down in physical form, but I highly recommend it. If all else fails head to Comixology, or your digital comics provider of choice and download a copy immediately. I can almost guarantee that once you've read it you'll want to read more.
As always with this series we're treated to something incredibly familiar, yet hilariously out there all at the same time. Tracking down that hard to find gift, the last minute rush, the fear of failure and the joy of sharing.
Michael Moreci has written a little gem of a story which brought me right back into the crazy little world that he created, a long way ahead, in a galaxy far, far closer than you'd think.
Hayden Sherman and Jason Wordie's art is every bit as out there as Michael Moreci's script. The characters we meet in this issue are as far away from the norm as they could possibly be, yet completely familiar at the same time.
I could swear that the two shopkeepers in this tale are the managers of my two local video and game exchange stores... in everything but physical appearance.
This issue's greatest triumph is how it shows that, even though our heroes' endeavours may not have yielded the results that either may have desired, it well and truly is the thought that counts.
Letterer Jim Campbell must have been giggling his baubles off when he received the script and saw the terrific art by Smith and Wordie. His work on the title page, cover and intro show that he was having fun... how could he not be?
Volume 2 can't come quick enough, but Vol. 1 is available in one gorgeous collection right now! What are you waiting for? Buy it, devour it... Get Wasted!

Artist: Hayden Sherman
Color Artist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Review by Steve J. Ray
I've really missed reviewing this series every month. This is one of those comics that I rapidly fell in love with. This series is quirky, irreverent and pure unadulterated (though quite adult) fun.
This particular issue is one that will be quite hard to track down in physical form, but I highly recommend it. If all else fails head to Comixology, or your digital comics provider of choice and download a copy immediately. I can almost guarantee that once you've read it you'll want to read more.
As always with this series we're treated to something incredibly familiar, yet hilariously out there all at the same time. Tracking down that hard to find gift, the last minute rush, the fear of failure and the joy of sharing.
Michael Moreci has written a little gem of a story which brought me right back into the crazy little world that he created, a long way ahead, in a galaxy far, far closer than you'd think.
Hayden Sherman and Jason Wordie's art is every bit as out there as Michael Moreci's script. The characters we meet in this issue are as far away from the norm as they could possibly be, yet completely familiar at the same time.
I could swear that the two shopkeepers in this tale are the managers of my two local video and game exchange stores... in everything but physical appearance.
This issue's greatest triumph is how it shows that, even though our heroes' endeavours may not have yielded the results that either may have desired, it well and truly is the thought that counts.
Letterer Jim Campbell must have been giggling his baubles off when he received the script and saw the terrific art by Smith and Wordie. His work on the title page, cover and intro show that he was having fun... how could he not be?
Does this issue further the plot of the ongoing story? No. Does it highlight these wonderful characters, make you want to read more and provide a tale of yuletide joy? You bet your A.S.S. it does!Volume 2 can't come quick enough, but Vol. 1 is available in one gorgeous collection right now! What are you waiting for? Buy it, devour it... Get Wasted!
Images Courtesy Of Vault Comics And The Creative Team
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