Review: 'iZombie' Season 5 Episode 8 "Death Of A Car Salesman"

"Death Of A Car Salesman"

Review by Jim Bennett

Liv and Ravi go head to head this week when they both eat the brains of a car salesman, and all this just so happens to coincide with the yearly police raffle! This episode looked like fun for Rose McIver and Rahul Kohli, as they both got to play over the top Gordon Gecko types, and I loved it. Ravi looks ridiculously sharp in a suit, and with his zombie white hair streak, it was all working!
So after last weeks bombshell that Liv’s dad is in fact Beanpole Bob, we learn more about his story with some flashbacks to Seattle pre-Z and what this character means to, well... just about everything! The twists and turns we are getting this close to the show's finale are awesome!
It does feel like the story is beginning to wrap up, with everything that each character does becoming more tight-knit. Ravi looking for the girl Blaine is hiding, and Liv’s dad being the leader of the zombie resistance group.
The suits from Washington are in Seattle and Major gives them his plan to try and stop them from wiping the city off the face of the earth. It’s a pretty good plan, but is it viable, and will it come to pass? From the looks of things it might all become a bit more of a national problem than just a local one!!
This episode surely scratched the itch on intrigue... sorry I couldn’t help myself. Blame the show and all its delectable puns!
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