Review: Justice League Odyssey #14

"Enemy Of My Enemy"
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artists: Chris Cross, Cliff Richards, Le Beau Underwood, Danny Miki & Scott Hanna
Color Artist: Rain Beredo & Pete Pantazis
Letterer: AndWorld Design 
Review by James Stone

From Justice League Odyssey #14 onwards, this saga can be broken down into two eras: pre and post Sepulkore. We are currently in the early stages of post Sepulkore, and it almost feels like the story is starting again from scratch. Our original line up of Cyborg, Starfire, Azrael and Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern has been replaced with Blackfire, Dex Starr, Okkult and the freshly resurrected Jessica Cruz.
I was a huge fan of the original team and pre Sepulkore has become one of my favourite series this year. Although we’re only in the early days of this new team, they don’t have the same chemistry yet. That being said, the main body of this series still remains and feels constant. The art is still shining through, with wonderful spreads of bright, vibrant colours, which cleverly contrasts the dark and despairing storyline. AndWorld Design continue to provide some of the most varied and character tailored lettering, which has been a huge benefit to a multi character driven series. 


Justice League Odyssey #14 is a pleasant quick read which continues the story well. Dan Abnett has almost reset the series, and the latest chapter has changed the motivation, from protection and redemption, to a story fuelled by revenge and desperation. I have absolute confidence that this series will continue to grow and the spark will reignite for me. That confidence boost was quickly established on the final page, with a reveal which should make the next steps in the story very interesting indeed.
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment


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