Review: Red Hood Outlaw #40
"Generation Outlaw" - Part Four
Writer: Scott Lobdell
Artist: David Messina
Color Artist: Rex Lokus
Letterer: ALW’s Troy Peteri
Review by Fay Clark
As we all know, Jason Todd’s been trying his hand at teaching. It hasn’t been going so well… or has it? Everyone’s confused as to whether Red Hood is instilling good life lessons, or just making sure that the kids don’t get beaten to death by a crow bar. Are we going to see Generation Outlaw make strides in become functioning members of villainy? Red Hood Outlaw #40 lets us all in on a few interesting interactions.
As we all know, Jason Todd’s been trying his hand at teaching. It hasn’t been going so well… or has it? Everyone’s confused as to whether Red Hood is instilling good life lessons, or just making sure that the kids don’t get beaten to death by a crow bar. Are we going to see Generation Outlaw make strides in become functioning members of villainy? Red Hood Outlaw #40 lets us all in on a few interesting interactions.
Love at first genetic mutation
Scott Lobdell… what a writer, what an artist. The more I read from him, the better it gets, I now find myself smiling the minute a new Red Hood issue comes in to review. If you get that kind of a reaction from such an avid reader, you know there must be some good stuff going on. The way Lobdell writes Jason Todd is masterful. You get the sarcastic quips, the broody moods, and the sheer awesomeness of Red Hood.
Jason has some great moments in Red Hood Outlaw #40, as per usual. There seemed to be more of a focus on Generation Outlaw in this issue, which is great, as there are some really interesting characters amongst the crazy. Two of them get a little bit more cosy with each other this issue, maybe a budding romance? Teacher Todd might want to keep an eye on that.
More Art, less… no, just more art

More. That’s it. That’s all of it. Just more. More Jason. More Red Hood. More Generation Outlaw. More Artemis. More Bizarro. More Pup Pup. More sassy Uber driver. MOOOOORRRREEE!!!
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment
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