Review: Batman Beyond #41

"First Flight" - Part Four
Writer: Dan Jurgens
Artists: Sean Chen and Sean Parsons
Color Artist: Chris Sotomayor
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Review by Adam Ray
With the mystery of who the new Batwoman is finally revealed, Batman Beyond #41 blesses readers with increasing tension throughout. The whole issue feels like a ticking time bomb. Literally in fact, as never has Terry been more vulnerable. The revelation that some adversaries are more powerful than others, and some people truly can’t be trusted, leaves us in a precarious place with him.
This issue, carrying on from the last, had me reeling with questions throughout. Yes, we get a fair amount of repeated information, but, as great as a single issue is, it’s still a single issue. We know Terry is not himself and it’s devastating to see him blunder in. We really have to wonder how sensible twenty-something year olds are in the future, if they truly think that a glowing skeleton man could be a reliable employer.
This issue, along with the anticipation we feel wishing for Terry’s safety, tells a good story in a sparkling way. The book is split, visually, in two places. The yellows and browns inside Wayne Manor, and the familiar faces close together, make us feel safe and welcome. The cool greys for strangers in far shots make Blight’s lab feel all the more dangerous and uncertain. It’s these choices that give issues like this a cinematic sensibility.


Batman Beyond #41 makes things abundantly clear, and in more ways than one, for every character in the show. I can only see a few ways this in which this story can wrap up, and I’m confident Batman Beyond will find other ways to surprise us all, as everything is pointing to an explosive end.
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment


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