Review: Harley Quinn #71

"California, Or Death" - Part Two
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Sami Basri
Color Artist: Hi-Fi
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Review by Kendra Hale

Beauteous Amuse-Bouche

Harley Quinn #71 gives us more on our journey to learn just who is the villain in the cliff-hanger from Issue #70. When we last left Harley she was reeling from finding her friend and compatriot in the ring, Alicia, dead in the locker room. Harley is hot to trot when it comes to finding out what happened and hungry for answers…as are we! My last review can be found here, now that you are caught up, let’s dive in!

Whittlin’ A Pretty Bird

Harley is on a mission of the most valiant kind, when her friend Alicia was killed she knew the fact that everyone was ruling it a suicide was wrong. Not only for Alicia but for the daughter left behind and for Harls as well the search begins in earnest to find and make that killer pay. Sadly, as in all things that seem to be happening in Harley’s life lately, it isn’t that simple. One lead starts to unravel threads that threaten to draw Harley in deeper to the mystery and by the end of Harley Quinn #71 we are left with some answers, awesome action, and a lot more questions since there is a bigger picture to take in!

Breaking Da Fourth Wall…With Booster Gold

One of my favorite things right now with the Harley Quinn series is the random cameos by Booster Gold. He appears every now and again and Harley Quinn 371 is one of those. The interaction at their spot in L.A. is becoming one of my favorite things. They talk quite easily and I do think the two are adorbs together. While it may not happen I know the panels we do get of them together are great. The banter is wonderful. This is another issue where Sam Humphries, Sami Basri, Hi-Fi, and Dave Sharpe shine again with a great story and wonderful artwork and lettering that flow in sync.


Harley Quinn #71 gives us action, emotion, drive. It was not the ending to the arc that I had hoped for but it gave us something even better. It gave us a continuing path to follow as we try to piece together just what is happening in L.A. and what it all has to do with Harley’s pal Alicia. I look forward to Issue #72 and hope that it sheds more light. As for Harley Quinn #71 it gets a 9 out of ten from me.
What are your thoughts on the continuing story? Do you think you know what the bigger picture is? Let us know in the comments below and we will see you next issue!
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment


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