Music Review: Professor Elemental's "School Of Whimsy"
by Scott Hamilton
a cold, wet, dreary morning as I sit on the bus heading to work, but
I'm smiling and in a cheery mood. Why? Because I'm listening to Professor
Elemental's "School Of Whimsy!"
the uninitiated, Professor Elemental is the country's finest example
of Chap-Hop Emcee. Marrying beats and rap, with a nod towards geek
and UK culture. It's certainly more tongue in cheek than the likes of
other rappers, but that is part of it's charm.
Prof is one of us, a geek, someone who'd like to try and focus on
having fun. Yeah, you can look deeper into the meanings behind the
lyrics but, you know what, sometimes it's just about trying to put a
smile on your face.
Of Whimsy" is the latest collection of tunes from the Brighton
based rapper and he's dropping a solid gold set of tracks. The lessons
here aren't maths, geography and the like. These are life
lessons, learned from experience, by being there and doing that.
often found with Professor Elemental's albums, there's a loose theme
running through the songs. It's not as concept led as "Apequest"
(which does tie in here but I'm not going to spoil it for you) but
with a closing track that hints at... Wait, I'm getting ahead of
album opens with 'Words From The Headmaster' as Professor Elemental
spits out rhymes faster than Trump can turn off a nymphomaniac
(ouch!). Then 'Comfort Zone' rocks up before he's had chance to draw
breath. This is the tale of the life of a Chap-Hop rapper over the
top of what sounds like a Django Rienheart gypsy jazz track, with
added cuts from regular collaborator DJ Nick Maxwell. Pay attention
to things that may seem like throwaway lyrics, like the Professor
having a roast dinner. The album "Is like an onion, it has
“Layers, donkey" to paraphrase Shrek.
Up' has a real sunny vibe to it, a groove that makes you wish for
sunnier times with extra vocal flourishes from Ella Jean that just
add that little bit extra to the song. 'Came A Long Way' tells of
the Prof's touring tales, the good and the bad. It's a reminder that
a musician's life isn't all great, but that you get out what you put
strummed banjo and dub beat opens 'One Too Many' in which our hero
tries to make life easier by making more versions of himself (has he
not seen Mickey Mouse in Fantasia?!?). It nearly all comes to a sticky
end thanks to Professor Zero, the complete opposite of our hero who's
thwarted by...
that would be telling.
a short skit ('Crackpot') we head over to 'Jumble Sale', a reminder
that looking to the past can have a massive influence, and shouldn't
just be forgotten. It also features some guest raps from The Spoken
Herd and finishes with someone asking if we'd like "Some old
deals with anxiety and how it's a lot more common than you think,
whilst riding a funky jazz strut. The message that you should try and
face your fears is strong in this one, reminding us that everyone
feels something like that from time to time... from anxiety to a fear of clowns. It ends
with good old Jeffrey (the professor's trusty orangutan butler)... well, wait and see.
benefits of holidaying at home is the theme of 'Housebound
Hedonists', with a cheeky reference to his own tune 'Cup Of Brown
Joy' (ten years old now, yet still the greatest ode to the humble
cup of tea ever!) as Elemental trades verses with Dr Syntax. 'Live
Like Kings' reminds us that it's the simple things in life that
benefit us, not piles of cash or celebrity. The track culminates in a
piano solo from Jeffrey before another spoken word interlude slips in on 'Witness The Miraculous'.
Good Art Pt. 2' extols the virtues of being creative, how everyone who thinks that they're not good at something and will be discovered at
some point. A couple of guest rappers (Willie Evans Jr and Jesse
Dangerously) are bolstered by a sample of a veritable Geek God
talking about taking what happens to you and using it to help you
make good art. The track feels light in tone, but comes across as
inspiring, despite it's whimsical nature.
is one of the few album's few narrative tracks and is hilarious.
After finding his home burgled Professor Elemental discovers that thieving squirrels have been used to lure him into a trap created by
something unexpected. You can only imagine The Goons or Monty Python coming up
with something as suitably insane as this. I can't give higher
praise than that!

aforementioned Geek God turns up again on the skit 'Everything You
Need To Get Started' (I would love to see a meeting between these two
men of creative genius) before dropping 'Tom's House', a tribute to
the musical mastermind behind the Professor's beats. It saunters
along over a Jamaican ska/rocksteady track that has you nodding your
head along with it. It's further elevated by choruses featuring the
sweet tones of Sabrina Jade.
Morning' bounds along along like an eager puppy, dropping so many
geek references you'll lose count, as Nick Maxwell throws in some
pretty sweet cuts and scratching, thus reminding you that the album
is about celebrating life and a love of hip hop, and it's not some
cheesy cash in.
is a relatively short instrumental that does exactly what it's title
describes before leading the listener into 'Outro (Skit') which
teases us with a gaggle of villains and possible further adventures
for Professor Elemental.
just say that I'm keeping this as spoiler free as I can, but I
honestly can't wait for the next instalment!
keep looking for (a hatful of) sunshine to push through the grey
skies here, but don't see any just yet. I have a feeling though, that
if I keep playing this album that great weather will be summoned up
very soon. Professor Elemental's world is crazy, cheery and full of
fun for everyone. We could do with having a few more people like him
than getting fed up with life's negativity, learn your lesson from
the "School Of Whimsy." Enjoy yourself... and make good
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